I've got a chip on my shoulder
my heart on my sleeve.
bitch and moan.
sob and grieve.
is a toil, I do believe.
got a chip on my shoulder
my heart on my sleeve.
Capo II
F Am / Em Am / / / F Am /
/ Em Am /
(F Am / Em Am )
I was born into a cushy life.
I never had any sorrow or strife.
Never had any struggles from
which to learn.
I've got a lot of stuff I never
had to earn.
F Am / Em Am :||
Can't you see what a hell it is
to be me? I feel so sad.
I've had everything I could ever
but I never wanted anything that
I had.
Oh, if only I had been oppressed!
Might have built up some
character, I'd feel so blessed.
Might have grown into a man
standing proud and tall.
I could have been the one tearing
down those walls.
Don't you know I finally got my
My wife up and left, said she'd
had enough.
Now there's only one thing left
to do—
—I'm going down to the bridge,
and I'm gonna jump.